Saturday, November 29, 2008
웃 ♥ 유
Friday, November 21, 2008
Love At First Site
When we finally got there I was amazed, it looked nothing like Waycross at all. The buildings were like something in big cities. There was so many different kinds of people it was like a rainbow of races. As we were walking towards Megan’s front steps I noticed that her yard had so many flowers, it looked like a garden. It was hot outside so It made the air feel and even smell kind of dry, but I could still smell the flowers through it all. Some smelt like honey and some like sap. Her neighbor was outside walking around his yard. He was dressed in these really short shorts, I really couldn’t bring myself to look at him for very long. When I stepped in Megan’s house I was taken aback. I hadn’t been there since they first moved in and they had no furniture or anything. But now it looked so cramped with stuff I was almost too scared to move incase I were to brake something.
When I talked to Megan over the phone, the week before I came, we made a plan to get a job for the summer. Megan’s mom works as a Book Keeper for the movie theater there, called Seaturtle Cinemas, so we pretty much already had a job working there. The first night I was there we went to see a movie with some of Megan’s friends. I had so much fun. The movie theater, compared to the one in Waycross, was huge and really fancy looking. It’s in the middle of a bunch of these stores, all different kinds of stores: antique stores, hair cutting places, banks, and mostly restaurants. The outside of the movie theater definitely could not compare with the inside, it was huge and colorful. There were so many people there and they all looked really busy. I couldn’t wait to start working there.
My first day on the job wasn’t like I thought it would be at all. Megan and I got stuck working in concessions Which meant we had to serve popcorn, drinks and other food like items to mean, smelly, old customers. We tried to make the best of it though. We met new people and made friends at work and we even snuck some free food, so my day didn’t start out all that bad. Then something amazing happened. I was just standing there, by the popcorn maker, filling bags with burnt smelling popcorn. I suddenly looked up and there he was, my love at first sight. Just standing there with his gorgeous green eyes, and his short curly brown hair. He was so skinny and tall you might have mistaken him for the broom he was holding. I had just seen the cutest guy I have ever seen in my whole entire life, and the best part was that I got to work with him.
After a while I realized that I was staring at him. Thank goodness he didn’t notice though. I started to go back to bagging popcorn, but I couldn’t concentrate anymore. I just had to meet him, talk to him; which was not as easy as you would think. Not because I was shy or anything, I tried to talk to him, I even flirted with him, but he just ignored me. I felt horrible. I figured he was shy and it turns out, I was right. We started hanging out and talking. For me, it was love at first sight. It had to of been love at first sight for the both of us, since we are happily together to this day. I will never forget that moment or that day. I found something so wonderful in a horrible situation. It’s been a little more than a year and I am thankful everyday. That moment was just a page in the romance novel we call our lives.
1 year and 3 months

opinions vs beliefs | this is just to inform, nothing more nothing less

It may come from a sheep, goat, or Tibetan antelope. It may be called "wool," "mohair," "pashmina," or "cashmere." But no matter what you call it, it means bad news for the animal it came from. In the wool industry, just weeks after birth, lambs' ears are punched, their tails are chopped off, and the males are castrated, all without anesthetics. To prevent "flystrike" (a maggot infestation caused by wrinkly skin, which was bred into the sheep so that they would have more wool), Australian ranchers perform a barbarous operation called "mulesing," which involves carving huge strips of flesh off the backs of unanesthetized lambs' legs. []

Leather is not a slaughterhouse byproduct. It's a booming industry, a driving force for the cattle industry, and it accounts for two-thirds of the value of the slaughtered cattle. Even the hides of "veal" calves are made into high-priced calfskin. The economic success of slaughterhouses and factory farms is directly linked to the sale of leather goods. Decreasing demand for both animal foods and leather products will result in fewer cows' being factory-farmed. To learn more about leather. []

Those who wear fur trim and fur coats have the blood of minks, raccoons, foxes, beavers, and other animals on their hands. Animals on fur farms spend their lives in tiny cages only to be killed by anal or genital electrocution, which causes them to have a heart attack. Some are skinned alive. Animals in the wild may languish for days in traps before they die or are killed. []
Have you ever wondered how many animals suffer in labs? It's a good question. Because there are so many animals in laboratories and records are not kept for all animals, estimates of the number of animals tortured and killed annually in U.S. laboratories vary widely but are in the millions.
The Animal Welfare Act requires laboratories to report the number of animals used in experiments, but it does not cover mice, rats, and birds (used in some 80 to 95 percent of all experiments). Because these animals are not covered by the act, they remain uncounted, and we can only guess at how many actually suffer and die each year.
Many household products and cosmetics companies still pump their products into animals' stomachs, rub them onto their skin, squirt them into their eyes, or force animals to inhale them as aerosol sprays. Charities such as the March of Dimes use donations from private citizens to fund experiments on animals, and the FDA requires all drugs to be tested on animals. However, animals differ from humans significantly, making animal drug tests unreliable and dangerous. New research methods, such as computer models, cell cultures, and human studies are more accurate, less expensive, and much more humane.
i am not posting this to just make you feel bad. i's not posting it to say that your a horrible person because you don't care, or try to help. i am not posting this to do anything but inform you. if you want to know about it, then read. if you don't then ignore. it is your choice, it just makes me so sad, so i just want to tell people who don't know and who want to. people may not like PETA, they may make fun of it, say its stupid, or what have you. but i believe they're trying to change things, and i believe that those things need to be changed. Again, it's just my opinion. <3
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
a stupid little poem..
i will hide all my true feelings, i will fake happiness,
fake optimism, hide my sorrow, contain my emotions,
i will harbor all the pain i feel..just to keep you, i can't lose you.
i need to keep you, forever. for as long as i can, as long as life wills me.
even if that means becoming a whole different person in the process,
i will sacrifice my true self, as long as you stay mine.
please say you'll stay mine, i need you to be mine.
i will forfeit my soul, for us to be whole.
it will always be up to you, i will be anything you want.
i can't make it any simpler. i must be with you.
i need to be with you, forever. for as long as i can,
as long as life wills me. i may become a different person in the process;
but i'm hoping, a better person for you. because i can't lose you.
i need to keep you, i need you to be mine.
i never feel i'm good enough for you,
i praise you, is that wrong? i think that's wrong.
but i can't help it, it's what i am, do i change that too?
should i change that too? it's a miracle you still love me.
but do you really? it's not a hypothetical question.
i can't help but wonder, in the back of my mind.
it's a lingering question in the back of my mind.
it won't leave, does it keep me sain? i hope not.
you drive me insane.
i would do anything for you, i will do anything for you.
it's not a secret, its not a statment, it's a promise.
a pinky promise, the only kind of promise worth keeping.
i will change my being, just for you. just for you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This is more than untitled, this is unknown
There's things i wish i could change, there are things i think i want, but i don't, i want you to be happy, no matter what that takes, i may not think so somtimes, only because im thinking in the moment, and i think that i just want you with me no matter what, i just want you all the time. i dont want you in orlando, fufilling your dreams, making new friends, meeting new people..i think that, i dont want you forgetting me, forgetting us, and what we have..but that's wrong. it's wrong of me to think that and i know that. i want you to be happy, no matter what, even if you have to do or have those things to be happy, thats what it takes, then i want that for you. i want to give you the world. but i'm just so small. i give you my heart, it might make up for everything ive done and everything i know that i will do, because i am making mistakes second by second. but i regret nothing, every since ive met you, all my regrets just dissapeared because i figured. if all my mistakes, every bad thing that ive done or even good thing ive done, led me to you, then there's is nothing to regret, there is no bad.
i love you with every inch of my being, that will never change,
my love for you is like superman, it's invencible.
my love for you is like mathematics, it never changes.
my love for you is like allie and noah's, it will live on forever.
my love for you is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.