Can you see those mountains in the distance? Beyond that river and past those trees. Where you can clearly and unmistakably feel that breeze. It takes a while to get there, if you have a drive to find that place. What place? Happiness. Are you determined to find that place? To feel that breeze upon your face? If you have the will you'll pass that stubborn river, where the waters are hurried and deep. If you have the will you'll venture into that forest, where the tree's look haunted and tend to seep, gradually into the distance. They seem to be infinit, this journey seems to be discontent. You hear a voice inside your head, screaming and nawing at you like a child unfed. Telling you to give up, telling you to turn back. Feeding upon those skills of which you lack. Will you let that voice, that puny little voice of, not consern, but fear keep you from succeeding. DON"T LISTEN TO WHAT YOU HEAR! I believe that if you want it more then anything, if you'll use it for more than just something, than you can reach those wonderful moutains. You can cross that contumacious river. You can surpass those unyielding tree's in that troubled forest. And when you do, when you feel that breeze, that indisputable breeze. Then you'll realize that, that feeling you seek to feel so intensly, that feeling of simple happiness is no further than inside of you. How cliche but yet incredibly true.
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