i'm extremely tired of this feeling that keeps overwelming me.
And she says to her head:
You're in a bind. Stop pretending you're something you're not. It's a bit scary sometimes how little you communicate with me. I thought we were friends. Can you even imagine anymore? Did I break you in some way? This all started with that guy. I apologize for getting carried away, for letting my heart over power you like always. The truth was behind you all along, wasn't it? Always in the back, all alone in that dark corner. I never even gave it a glance. That fucking organ is just to powerful for its own good. I thought he ripped it out for good, but no. It stays around, hovering. Filling you with thoughts and feelings. All of those false feelings. All of those fictitious thoughts. Damn you! Do you have anything else to say? Remind me from time to time that I'm only human, kay? It's a wonder how you're still as sane as you are. He really fucked us up, didn't he?
And she says to her heart:
You can't keep doing this. Mend already! Stop beating so fast or get the fuck out. I'm over exaggerating still. I keep pretending with you and so does my head. We can be stronger than you, I believe that; but still you get your way every time. What are those sharp pains you have going on? My head says his name, and you jump. My head hears his voice, and you melt. My head see's his face, and you freeze. What's this connection you guys have? Like you're really one function. But yet, my head knows the truth and you hide it from me. He hurt you, I know. He almost killed you, I know. So please tell me why you still clinge on to him. You fill yourself with hope when my head knows there is none. You keep pulling me where nothing is. You keep chasing what isn't catchable. Just leave it alone already. Move on.
And she says to him:
Bastard. Do you not understand what you're doing to me? Do you not care? Are you truely that simple minded. Is your heart sincerely that cold? You've caused me to become a war of head vs heart. But no matter what I end up losing. I can't believe you think my head is that stupid. But it knew the true you. It knew when it heard you say, "i love you" that is was NOTHING but a lie. And you knew my heart. You knew how careing and tender is was, you took advantage you stupid fuck. I am no longer sane because of you. I am no longer whole because of you. I am no longer myself because of you. But you'll never know because you are just too naive..no. You are just too stupid to realize what you've done..what you're doing. And I wonder, if you ever did figure it out, would you care? Just do me a favor?.. Stop breathing.

And she says to her head:
You're in a bind. Stop pretending you're something you're not. It's a bit scary sometimes how little you communicate with me. I thought we were friends. Can you even imagine anymore? Did I break you in some way? This all started with that guy. I apologize for getting carried away, for letting my heart over power you like always. The truth was behind you all along, wasn't it? Always in the back, all alone in that dark corner. I never even gave it a glance. That fucking organ is just to powerful for its own good. I thought he ripped it out for good, but no. It stays around, hovering. Filling you with thoughts and feelings. All of those false feelings. All of those fictitious thoughts. Damn you! Do you have anything else to say? Remind me from time to time that I'm only human, kay? It's a wonder how you're still as sane as you are. He really fucked us up, didn't he?
And she says to her heart:
You can't keep doing this. Mend already! Stop beating so fast or get the fuck out. I'm over exaggerating still. I keep pretending with you and so does my head. We can be stronger than you, I believe that; but still you get your way every time. What are those sharp pains you have going on? My head says his name, and you jump. My head hears his voice, and you melt. My head see's his face, and you freeze. What's this connection you guys have? Like you're really one function. But yet, my head knows the truth and you hide it from me. He hurt you, I know. He almost killed you, I know. So please tell me why you still clinge on to him. You fill yourself with hope when my head knows there is none. You keep pulling me where nothing is. You keep chasing what isn't catchable. Just leave it alone already. Move on.
And she says to him:
Bastard. Do you not understand what you're doing to me? Do you not care? Are you truely that simple minded. Is your heart sincerely that cold? You've caused me to become a war of head vs heart. But no matter what I end up losing. I can't believe you think my head is that stupid. But it knew the true you. It knew when it heard you say, "i love you" that is was NOTHING but a lie. And you knew my heart. You knew how careing and tender is was, you took advantage you stupid fuck. I am no longer sane because of you. I am no longer whole because of you. I am no longer myself because of you. But you'll never know because you are just too naive..no. You are just too stupid to realize what you've done..what you're doing. And I wonder, if you ever did figure it out, would you care? Just do me a favor?.. Stop breathing.

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