Monday, March 23, 2009


thoughts that haunt..

what's the use in caring, if nobody else cares that you care?

If human beings are able to adapt to their surroundings so well,
how come i have yet to?

There's no such thing as long distance anything.

but you see its my heart on the line..

This girl, she gets excited to be around him. "Can a heart beat too fast?", she thinks. She believes every single word he says, every lie he mutters. She cares so much for him that she doesn't notice he gives her no eye contact. He tells her "I love you, so very much." In translation all he's saying is, "I'm using you, get out while you can." But she doesn't comprehend. He fills her with those butterflies, she believes they're good feelings. She worries all the time, she thinks that's normal. She has a right to worry. She is so foolish. I loathe her and her stupidity. He knows what he's doing, that she clings to every word he says. He knows how it will end. But deep down he's enjoying it. I despise him and his explicit morals. Understood by everyone but her. She is so niave when it comes to matters of the heart. There's a massive wall that blocks her common sense, yet she is still so very oblivious. I just wish she could read his mind, his awful thoughts..dirty, wrong. I feel sorry for her. She will live her life like that, she will never change. Feeling things for people who do not feel for her. She lives in her own imagination, where to her, they'll love her as much as she loves them. And when it ends, which it always will, she will blame herself when it's clear to everyone but herself she did nothing wrong. Nothing except open her heart too much to the ones who have none. That guy will not be the only one. He will injure her, more than he understands. Emotionaly unstable, she will be. What fools they both are.

It's unclear to me, and always will be, why we human beings put ourselves in situations that will, in the end, result in unconditionable damage to our physical and, more importantly, our emotional stability. We truely are human. How pitiful.

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